What should I bring when I come for a scheduled consultation appointment?

  • A list of your medications including any herbal or nutritional supplements
  • Preferably bring your medications with you
  • Copies of your medical records
  • Any relevant x-rays, MRI and CT scans and ultrasounds, particularly anything including the abdomen or kidneys.
  • Any other medical information that you think may be relevant to your problem that you are seeing Dr. Carabello for.

Where are my medical records maintained?

Your medical file is both electronic and paper based. Your medical record is filed in a password protected computer at the office. The office is remote to the clinics. A backup electronic record is also held. A second back up record is held paper based which is also secured at the office.

Your medical records are the property of Dr. Carabello but the information is yours and you are entitled to a copy at request. You need to provide a signed consent to receive a copy.

Following each clinic consultation and sometimes following telephone or email communications a letter is written to the referring doctor or other appropriate medical professional (e.g. dietitian) and your medical information will be shared with these people where considered appropriate and to your health benefit. This may include referring you to other specialists, including surgeons, x-ray doctors and laboratory specialists. You will routinely receive your own copy of this communication.

How can I get referred to Dr. Carabello?

You do not need a referral letter but information contained in your medical records over previous years (usually held by your GP) does assist in Dr. Carabello’ assessment.

Click here to request an appointment online

• You can request your General Practitioner to refer
• You can ring directly the appointment line (000.000.0000) from within in Los Angeles, California area.



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